It is no coincidence that around 60 organizations now engage our crisis experts for both the preparation for and handling of crises.
Because in the nearly 20 years that we have been active in crisis communications, we have already handled many cases for and together with our clients.
A small selection from our expertise:
abuse / accident / administrative crisis / budget cuts / child pornography / client disappearance / client escape / contamination / data leak / death / defective building / explosion / fire (or arson) / food poisoning / fraud / greenwashing / hack / inspection visits / #metoo / poor quality of care / ransomware / recall / reorganization / round of layoffs / sexual harassment / suicide. / system failures / theft / trade union actions / unrest among residents / wildcat strike
Forewarned is forearmed
Our contractors also use our expertise for ‘crisis preparedness’, which entails activities such as the structural distribution of the right messages from the organisation, the development of crisis scenarios and Q&As, mapping and monitoring online attention, drawing up a crisis plan and training the MT and spokespersons. If a crisis occurs, everyone involved can be quickly aligned and deal with the crisis situation with expertise.